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How To Use Yoga Props

How To Use Yoga Props

Using Blocks, Straps, and Bolsters in Your Practice

Ever been in a yoga class where you're striving to achieve that ‘perfect pose,’ and you feel like your limbs just won't cooperate? Or perhaps, you’re a seasoned yogi looking for ways to deepen your practice. Or maybe you are a beginner in yoga practice and just looking for some help staring out. In all scenarios, the solution might be simpler than you think - yoga props! Blocks, straps, and bolsters can be powerful tools to unlock new dimensions of your practice, whether you're an absolute beginner or an advanced yogi. This blog post will illuminate how these humble helpers can assist you in achieving more depth, comfort, safety, flexibility, and alignment in your postures. Welcome to the revolutionary world of yoga props – let's dig deeper and bring revolution to your mat!

You will learn the benefits of each prop, how to properly use them for different poses and situations, and tips for maximising the effectiveness of your practice with props.

Unlocking Yoga Practice with Props

Yoga is a deeply personal and transformative practice that allows us to connect mind, body, and spirit. While the essence of yoga lies in the simplicity of breath and movement, the use of props can unlock a whole new dimension to our practice. Props such as blocks, straps, and bolsters provide support, stability, and comfort, enabling us to explore poses more deeply and safely.

Imagine you're working on an intense backbend like Wheel Pose (Chakrasana). As you lift your chest up towards the ceiling, you may find that your shoulders are tight and your lower back feels strained. This is where props come in as invaluable tools to assist in finding proper alignment and reducing any potential risks or discomfort.

Think of props as training wheels on a bicycle - they provide stability and support as we learn how to balance and ride without them. In the same way, yoga props enable practitioners to gradually build strength, flexibility, and confidence, allowing them to eventually progress into deeper expressions of poses without relying on external support.

Props become particularly helpful when working with tight muscles/joints, limited range of motion, or specific injuries. By using these tools strategically, we can modify poses to suit our individual needs while still reaping the benefits of each yoga posture.

See our range of yoga props here:




Now that we understand how props can enhance our yoga practice by providing support and stability let's explore the numerous advantages they offer.

  • Yoga props such as blocks, straps, and bolsters are valuable tools that can assist in finding proper alignment, reducing potential risks or discomfort, and gradually building strength, flexibility, and confidence in a practitioner's yoga practice. Props help to modify poses to suit individual needs and provide stability and support for practitioners to eventually progress into deeper expressions of postures without relying on external assistance. Using yoga props allows us to explore poses more deeply and safely and reap the benefits of each posture while enhancing our practice overall.

Advantages of Using Props

  1. Enhanced Stability: Props help create a solid foundation, allowing us to feel grounded and stable in various poses. For example, placing a block under the hand in Triangle Pose helps maintain balance and stability while reaching for the sky with the other arm.

  2. Improved Alignment: Props facilitate correct alignment by serving as physical guides. They bring awareness to areas that may require adjustment or extra support. For instance, a strap can be used to maintain length and alignment in forward folds if reaching the feet is challenging.

  3. Increased Accessibility: Props make yoga more accessible to practitioners of all levels, including beginners to yoga practice and those with physical limitations or injuries. They assist in finding proper alignment and muscle engagement, enabling individuals to experience the benefits of each pose without unnecessary strain.

  4. Greater Flexibility Development: Using props allows us to safely explore new depths and ranges of motion in poses, gradually increasing flexibility over time. For example, a bolster or blanket can support the body in gentle backbends, allowing the spine to open up and release tension.

  5. Deeper Relaxation: Props play a vital role in restorative yoga by creating an environment of comfort and relaxation. They provide support for longer-held poses, allowing muscles to soften and release tension while promoting a soothing, meditative state.

These are just a few examples of how props can elevate your yoga practice. The beauty lies in their versatility - they can be used in various ways depending on individual needs and intentions for each session. So don't hesitate to incorporate props into your practice and experience firsthand the transformative benefits they offer.

Utilising Blocks in Yoga

Yoga practice is a journey of self-discovery and transformation, and incorporating props like blocks can greatly enhance this experience. Blocks are versatile tools that provide stability, support, and alignment assistance to practitioners of all levels. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced yogi, utilising blocks in your practice can help deepen poses, improve balance, and cultivate mindfulness.

One of the primary benefits of using blocks in yoga is their ability to bring the floor closer to you. This is particularly helpful for individuals with limited flexibility or tight muscles/joints. By placing a block under your hand or foot, you can modify poses that normally require more range of motion. For example, in a forward fold, if you find it challenging to reach the ground comfortably, you can place a block beneath your hands to elevate them and maintain proper alignment.

Imagine being in Triangle Pose (Trikonasana) and struggling to reach the floor with your bottom hand while maintaining stability and balance. By using a block, you can bring the ground closer to you, allowing for a more accessible and comfortable experience. This not only facilitates better alignment but also helps prevent strain or injury while still reaping the benefits of the pose.

Furthermore, blocks can be utilised as support during balancing poses. Balancing can be challenging for many practitioners, especially when trying to find stability in standing postures such as Tree Pose (Vrksasana) or Half Moon Pose (Ardha Chandrasana). Placing a block under your hand or fingertips can provide an additional point of contact with the ground, offering a sense of security and allowing you to explore these poses with more confidence.

Think about attempting Crow Pose (Bakasana), where balancing on your hands can be quite challenging. By placing blocks strategically under your hands, you create a stable foundation that alleviates some of the pressure on your wrists and allows you to focus on building strength and balance in this challenging arm balance.

Now that we understand the benefits and versatility of blocks in yoga practice, let's explore how they can be utilised in various poses to enhance our alignment, deepen stretches, and cultivate a more grounded practice.

  • A 2021 survey from Yoga Alliance suggests that about 70% of yoga practitioners incorporate props into their practice, including blocks, straps, and bolsters.

Blocks in Various Poses

Blocks can be used in a multitude of poses to adapt and cater to individual needs. Let's explore some common asanas where blocks can be beneficial:

Standing Poses:

  • In Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II), place blocks under your bottom hand for support and alignment.
  • In Extended Side Angle Pose (Utthita Parsvakonasana), use a block to bring the ground closer if reaching the floor is challenging.

Seated Poses:

  • In Seated Forward Fold (Paschimottanasana), rest your hands on blocks instead of reaching for your toes if flexibility is limited.
  • In Butterfly Pose (Baddha Konasana), place blocks under your knees to provide support and allow for a more relaxed posture.


  • For Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana) or Wheel Pose (Urdhva Dhanurasana), position a block between your thighs to activate inner thigh muscles while maintaining proper alignment.
  • In Camel Pose (Ustrasana), use a block between your shoulder blades to gently open the chest and shoulders.

By incorporating blocks into these poses, you not only create space within your body but also cultivate stability, allowing for deeper stretches and improved alignment. Remember, the key is to listen to your body's limitations and adjust the height or position of the blocks accordingly.

As with any yoga prop, it's essential to approach their usage mindfully. Blocks are meant to support your practice, not replace it. They offer assistance without compromising the integrity of the pose. By utilising blocks in yoga, you can unlock new dimensions of your practice and discover a greater sense of comfort and alignment.

Customising Block Usage for Personal Comfort

When it comes to personalising your yoga practice, blocks are a versatile tool that can offer incredible support and comfort. While blocks may seem simple, they can have a profound impact on your practice by helping you find proper alignment and stability in various poses.

One of the primary benefits of using blocks is their ability to bring the floor closer to you. This can be especially helpful if you have tight muscles or limited flexibility, allowing you to modify poses and still experience the benefits. For example, in lunges, placing a block under your hand not only provides support but also allows you to focus on engaging the muscles without straining.

Let's say you're working on straight-legged poses like Uttanasana (Standing Forward Fold), but reaching the ground feels challenging due to tight hamstrings. By using blocks under your hands, you can raise the floor to an accessible height that allows you to maintain proper alignment and enjoy a deeper stretch.

Additionally, blocks can be placed between the thighs to create strength and spatial awareness. This can be particularly useful in poses like Bridge or Chair Pose, where squeezing the block engages the inner thigh muscles and promotes stability.

Besides modification and support, blocks can also provide added comfort during seated poses and meditation. Folding or unfolding blankets over a block creates a cushioned surface that supports your hips or knees, alleviating any strain on your joints. This allows you to focus more on finding stillness and relaxation in your practice.

Now that we've explored how to customise block usage for personal comfort, let's tap into another prop that will expand your yoga practice even further - straps.

Straps for Expanding Your Practice

Straps are an invaluable prop when it comes to deepening stretches and enhancing flexibility in your yoga practice. These long bands with buckles or loops provide assistance and support, enabling you to explore poses that may have felt out of reach before.

Let's say you're working on seated forward bends but find it difficult to reach your toes due to tight hamstrings. By looping a strap around the soles of your feet and holding onto the ends, you create an extended reach that allows for a more comfortable and effective stretch.

Straps can also be used for single leg stretches, such as Janu Sirsasana (Head-to-Knee Forward Bend). By wrapping the strap around the foot of your extended leg and holding onto it with both hands, you can gently guide your torso forward, fostering a deeper opening in the hamstrings and hips.

Some may argue that using straps could be seen as a crutch or a shortcut, taking away from the effort required in building flexibility organically. However, it's important to remember that yoga is a journey unique to each individual. Straps allow you to progress at your own pace, offering support when needed and gradually leading to greater mobility and range of motion.

In addition to flexibility enhancement, straps can be invaluable for shoulder and chest stretches. By gripping the strap wider than shoulder-width apart and extending the arms overhead, you can gently pull on the strap to open up the shoulders and chest. This is particularly beneficial for those who spend prolonged periods sitting or hunched over desks.

See this article for info on how to use a yoga strap:


Straps in Flexibility Enhancement

Straps are an indispensable tool when it comes to enhancing flexibility in yoga practice. They offer support and assistance, allowing practitioners to go deeper into stretches and poses that may be challenging due to tightness or limited range of motion. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced yogi, incorporating straps into your practice can yield remarkable results.

Using a strap in seated forward bends is a perfect example of how it can enhance flexibility. Sit on the floor with your legs extended in front of you. Loop the strap around the balls of your feet and hold one end of the strap in each hand. As you fold forward, maintain a lengthened spine while allowing the strap to gently pull you deeper into the stretch. This provides stability and prevents excessive rounding of the back.

Imagine you're practicing seated forward bends without a strap. A limited range of motion may prevent you from reaching your feet, resulting in compromised form and potential strain on your lower back. But when you incorporate a strap, it acts as an extension of your arms, lengthening your reach and gradually allowing you to deepen the stretch. With regular use, you'll notice increased flexibility in your hamstrings and improved alignment.

Another example of using straps for flexibility enhancement is in bow pose (Dhanurasana). By lassoing the strap around your ankles and holding onto its ends with both hands, you can create more accessibility for manifesting this challenging backbend. The strap provides leverage to lift the chest higher while keeping the legs engaged, making it easier for beginners or those with limited flexibility to experience the benefits of this powerful posture.

Bolster Use and Benefits

Bolsters are a versatile and supportive prop that can enhance various aspects of your yoga practice. They come in different sizes, shapes, and firmness levels to cater to different body types and needs. Whether you're looking to find comfort in restorative poses or support during seated meditation, bolsters can be a valuable companion on your yoga journey.

Let's start with seated meditation. When we sit for an extended period, it's common to experience discomfort or numbness in our legs or lower back. Placing a bolster under your sitting bones provides gentle elevation and helps maintain proper alignment of the spine. This small adjustment can significantly improve your meditation experience, allowing you to focus inwardly without distractions from bodily discomfort.

Picture yourself trying to meditate for twenty minutes without any support. As time passes, your lower back may start to ache, and you might find yourself shifting positions frequently to alleviate the discomfort. Now imagine using a bolster under your sitting bones. The support and padding it offers allow you to sit comfortably for longer durations, enabling you to dive deeper into your meditation practice with ease.

Additionally, bolsters excel in restorative poses like supported heart openers. By placing a bolster lengthwise along your spine while lying on your back, you create a gentle arch that opens the chest and shoulders. This not only encourages deep relaxation but also helps counteract the effects of sitting or hunching over throughout the day. Resting in this pose with the bolster supporting your heart allows for a nurturing release and helps alleviate tension in these areas.

Bolsters serve as incredible tools for finding comfort and support during seated meditation as well as enhancing relaxation in restorative poses. Their versatility makes them suitable for practitioners of all levels, whether you're seeking physical or mental benefits. Now that we've explored the use and benefits of bolsters, we've covered the fundamentals of these essential yoga props.

Bolsters for Restorative Poses

Restorative yoga practices aim to provide deep relaxation and rejuvenation by supporting the body in comfortable and passive poses for extended periods. In these poses, bolsters play a vital role in creating a nurturing and supportive environment.

Bolsters are essentially long, firm pillows that come in various sizes and shapes. They are typically filled with dense material like cotton or foam, providing stability and cushioning. When it comes to restorative poses, bolsters can be used in a multitude of ways to promote comfort and relaxation.

One common use of bolsters in restorative poses is for gentle backbends. For example, a supported bridge pose can be achieved by placing a bolster horizontally under the lower back, lifting the hips upward, and allowing the shoulders and head to rest on the ground. This setup helps release tension in the lower back while promoting relaxation throughout the body.

Another powerful restorative pose utilising a bolster is the supported child's pose. By placing a bolster vertically between your thighs and resting your torso and forehead on top of it, you create a position that gently stretches the hips and lower back while allowing deep relaxation through the breath.

Imagine yourself sinking into this supported child's pose after a long and tiring day. The bolster provides a sense of cradling support, allowing your body to surrender into deep relaxation as you breathe slowly and mindfully.

Bolsters can also help facilitate relaxation in forward folds and twists. For instance, in seated forward fold (Paschimottanasana), placing a bolster on your legs and draping your upper body over it allows you to experience a gentle stretch along the hamstrings without strain or discomfort.

In essence, bolsters for restorative poses offer stability, support, and comfort that encourages deep relaxation. They enhance not only the physical aspect but also the mental and emotional well-being during your yoga practice.

Now that we understand the significance of bolsters in restorative poses, let's delve into the considerations when choosing the right bolster size.

Bolster Size Considerations

Selecting the appropriate bolster size for your restorative practice is crucial to ensure optimal support and comfort. While there is no one-size-fits-all answer, there are some general guidelines to consider when making your choice.

Firstly, consider your body proportions. Taller individuals may require a longer bolster to fully support their entire body length, especially in poses like supported savasana or reclining bound angle pose. On the other hand, individuals with a more petite frame might find a standard-sized bolster to be sufficient or even prefer a smaller size for better alignment.

Additionally, think about your personal preference and intended use. If you enjoy deeper backbends and heart-opening poses, a thicker and higher bolster might be ideal for maximum support. Alternatively, if you prefer a softer cushioning effect during restorative poses, opting for a less dense bolster could be beneficial.

For instance, imagine yourself settling into a supported forward fold using different sizes of bolsters. With a larger bolster, you might experience greater support and stability but potentially sacrifice some comfort due to its firmness. Conversely, a smaller bolster might offer a softer and more cushioned feel at the expense of full-body support.

Lastly, consider the versatility of your bolster choice. Some practitioners may prefer having different sized bolsters available to accommodate various postures and personal needs. This allows for greater creativity and adaptability in your practice.

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